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/ Windows 95 Top 50 Winners / Top50.iso / req. VB5 / 3dmaze / 3dmaze.vbp < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-08-13  |  906b  |  36 lines

  1. Type=Exe
  2. Form=3dmaze.frm
  3. Form=parm.frm
  4. Object={F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.1#0; COMDLG32.OCX
  5. IconForm="frm3DMaze"
  6. Startup="frm3DMaze"
  7. HelpFile=""
  8. Title="3DMaze"
  9. ExeName32="3dmaze.exe"
  10. Command32=""
  11. Name="Project1"
  12. HelpContextID="0"
  13. CompatibleMode="0"
  14. MajorVer=1
  15. MinorVer=8
  16. RevisionVer=0
  17. AutoIncrementVer=0
  18. ServerSupportFiles=0
  19. VersionCompanyName=" "
  20. VersionFileDescription="3DMAZE Version 1.8 (8/13/97) generates mazes under Windows 95 or NT.  The mazes are displayed in 3D.  Use keys to solve them or have the computer solve them.  Visual Basic 5.0 source code is included.  "
  21. VersionLegalCopyright="1995, 1996, 1997 James L. Dean"
  22. CompilationType=0
  23. OptimizationType=0
  24. FavorPentiumPro(tm)=0
  25. CodeViewDebugInfo=0
  26. NoAliasing=0
  27. BoundsCheck=0
  28. OverflowCheck=0
  29. FlPointCheck=0
  30. FDIVCheck=0
  31. UnroundedFP=0
  32. StartMode=0
  33. Unattended=0
  34. ThreadPerObject=0
  35. MaxNumberOfThreads=1